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The *essential* Breakup Healing Starter Guide

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heal from your breakup

Introducing the Breakup Healing Starter Guide – 20 pages of worksheets and exercises to help you jumpstart your healing process:

  • Psychological Insights on how your mind and body react to a heartbreak

  • Coping Mechanisms and tips to help you manage the pain and anxiety

  • Exercises to help you quit negative self-talk, relationship rumination, and tips to deal with withdrawal and cravings for your ex

  • Practices to help you move forward with healthier patterns

  • Journal prompts so that you can tap into your intuition and inner wisdom to extract the lessons from this past relationship

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Key takeaways

Learn tools to manage anxiety

and rumination

Identify thinking traps that amplify pain. Reframe your story

Let go of the negative charge that

does not serve you