Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Breakup Bootcamp: The Science of Rewiring Your Heart - Amy Chan

‘Just Love Yourself’ is Terrible Advice, Do This Instead

Too often we think of loving ourselves as a final destination, as if you flip a switch and suddenly you’re transported to some magical island of enlightenment and relationship bliss. The alternative is feeling ashamed—as if you’re not strong enough, or working hard enough, to get there. This mentality does more damage than it does good.

How I Healed From Heartbreak

We interview Puneet Grewal about the lessons learned from heartbreak, the perspective shifts from her experience at the Renew wellness retreat and how life and love has changed since.

Sorry I’m Not Sorry

I learned at a very young age to prioritize being pleasant, polite and likable. I was raised in a traditional Chinese household, and the concept of “face”(miàn z) – one’s own sense of self image and prestige in social contexts, was a significant part of our culture. It was normal to “save face” – which was… Continue reading Sorry I’m Not Sorry

7 Practical Steps to Heal After a Breakup

This post is for anyone out there who is feeling the pain of separation. There are things you can do to get back up, process the pain and move from a state of survival to a state of thriving. Here are seven steps to help you during this time.

A Letter to a Friend going through Heartbreak

I have this girlfriend who is beautiful, smart, kind and vivacious. She’s one of those people that has this glow every time she enters a room, and can brighten your day with her confidence and charisma. After a long while being single, she finally met someone and gave her heart fully.

How to pick yourself up after a breakup

A few years ago, I went through one of the most trying experiences of my life. I went through a breakup that devastated me to my core, and left me feeling broken and shattered. It was as if my entire reality and beautiful, magical world I tried so hard to create came crashing down.